Why You Should Use Distilled Water in Your Vapamore Steam Cleaner

A Vapamore steam cleaner can make your life easier in a number of ways. From disinfecting natural stone countertops to safely cleaning sensitive materials like wool, a steam cleaner is ready for the challenge. When it comes to adding water to your steam cleaner, however, one question you may have is whether it really matters what type of water you use. Distilled water is always recommended for use in Vapamore steam cleaners. While you can use regular tap water, there are a number of benefits to sticking with distilled water for your steam-cleaning needs.

Save Time and Hassle on Cleaning

mr750 3When you fill your steam cleaner reservoir with tap water, you’ll likely find that you need to clean the unit more often than if you were to use distilled water. That’s because tap water can leave build-up and residue behind that will require filling the steamer with a mixture of white vinegar and distilled water to remove. Stick with distilled water and you should never have to worry about accumulating this residue—which means you should rarely (if ever) have to clean the unit itself.
Maximize Steam-Cleaning Power
Tap water also contains calcium carbonate, which can actually clog the steamer head over time. This can obstruct the steam output, which will in-turn reduce your cleaning power. With distilled water, calcium carbonate is removed so you don’t have to worry about build-up. Instead, you’ll enjoy clean steam heads and a full release of steam every time you use your steam cleaner.

Avoid Foaming and Staining

If you use tap water in your steam cleaner on a regular basis, you will likely find that the unit will eventually start producing a foamy substance when in use. Not only can this substance contain bacteria, but it can also leave an off-white stain on your garments and other materials. This is a most common issue with hard water supplies, and using distilled water instead can help reduce the chances of this becoming an issue.

Prevent Corrosion and Damage

Just as hard water can cause corrosion and premature wear and tear to your home’s plumbing appliances (washing machines, dish washers, etc.), the same can apply to your steam cleaner. Over time, tap water with mineral build-up can cause corrosion of your steam cleaner’s internal components. This is especially likely if you fail to empty the water from the unit after use.
Using distilled water in your steam cleaner is the best way to prevent corrosion and other premature wear and tear; in fact, you could add years to the useful life of your steam cleaner by using only distilled water.
Other Care and Maintenance of Your Vapamore Steam Cleaner
In addition to using distilled water in your steam cleaner, there are some other basic measures you can take to potentially prolong the life of your Vapamore steam cleaner and optimize its performance. Even when using distilled water, it’s always a good idea to empty your tank after using your steam cleaner. This will ensure that no build-up occurs and can also help to prevent corrosion of any internal parts.
If you do notice any build-up in your steam cleaner, a thorough cleaning should take care of it. A combination of white vinegar and distilled water is the most effective in cleaning a steam cleaner, but other cleaning mixtures you can make yourself include mixing about 1.5 ounces of baking soda with a quart of distilled water. When cleaning your steam cleaner, always make sure it is unplugged and has had time to cool off entirely before you start.

The Bottom Line

Taking care of your Vapamore steam cleaner can prolong its life and ensure you enjoy the highest standard of clean. By using distilled water instead of tap water, you can avoid a lot of potential headaches related to mineral build-up and other harmful deposits.

1 comment

  • MOlly

    May I use RO water?

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